November 11th saw the online launch of the book Researching Live Music: Gigs, Tours, Concerts and Festivals. A recording of that book launch is available to view below.
Researching Live Music was co-edited by Solent University Associate Professor Dr Chris Anderton, and Dr Sergio Pisfil of Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru. The online book launch was hosted by George Mason University in the USA.
The contributors to Researching Live Music offer a comprehensive examination of the different ways that live music can be studied as an interdisciplinary field. It includes innovative approaches to the study of both historic and contemporary live music events, and is organised four sections: promotion, production, consumption and policy. It represents a crucial reading for professionals, students, and researchers working in all aspects of live music, and features contributions from both established and emerging scholars.
After an introductory presentation of the book by the editors, Gabrielle Kielich (University of Huddersfield) shared some of her research outputs and Rick Davis (George Mason University) discussed both the book and the nascent field of Live Music Studies. The event was moderated by Holly Tessler (University of Liverpool).
Researching Live Music is available directly from the publisher Routledge or from your usual online bookseller.