The BPI, the UK music industry’s trade association, has announced the recipients of their annual Music Exports Growth Scheme grant worth £250,000. The money is split between 21 independent artists and aims to help bands and labels with touring and overseas promotion.
Solent graduate Sam Rowe’s band Flamingods made the cut alongside more established acts like Slaves, Everything Everything, White Lies and others.
BPI Director of International, Chris Tams, said: “The Music Exports Growth Scheme promotes an incredibly diverse range of music that isn’t typically part of the mainstream but deserves to reach a much wider international audience. Smaller labels don’t always have the means to market their talented artists overseas, which is where the Scheme can make a vital difference, helping to boost not only their profiles and fan-bases, but the UK’s music exports in the process.
Audio Addict published an intriguing article unveiling the potential unfairness in the grant distribution based on Fat White Family’s view on social media:
Continued in Audio Addict: £250,000 for UK creatives. Has it been distributed fairly?
The full list of recipients can be found on BPI’s website.